Graphing Tools

Mapping Tool

Interactive tool that visualize data by creating a color-coded map to view the distribution of scores for an indicator around the world.

Variable Graph

Compares multiple countries for one indicator/or index. Select one indicator and multiple countries/regions. The data are aggregated by year.

Country Graph

Compares multiple variables/indices for one country/region. Select one country/region and multiple indicators/indices. The data are aggregated by year.

Country Radar Chart

This tool displays multiple variables and indices for one country/region in a radar chart. Select one country/region and multiple indicators/indices.

Variable Radar Chart

This tool displays multiple countries (three or more) for one indicator/index in a radar chart. Select one indicator/index and multiple countries.

Heat Map

This tool displays one indicator/index on a heat map - a graphical representation of data where values are represented by colors.

Regional Comparison

This tool displays the development of a V-Dem indicator/index in a region between two selected years.

Contingency Tables

By utilizing novel sequencing methods, this tool shows sequencing relationships between indicators in a selected category with a comparison between country vs. region.

Low Hanging Fruit Tool

The tool is based on novel sequencing methods, data analysis and scenario modeling, and can explain which indicators should be developed in order to reach progress in a selected category.


The Predicting Adverse Regime Transitions (PART) project uses V-Dem data and other sources to estimate the risk of adverse regime transitions during the next two years.


The Democratic Space Barometer estimates the probability that a country will experience at least one opening event (shift towards more democratic governance) or at least one closing event (shift towards more autocratic governance) within a two-year window.


The Pandemic Backsliding Project tracks state responses to Covid-19 and their potential effect on the overall quality of democracy within the country. The current version of the data reflects the situation between March 2020 and June 2021.